High Fiber Diet >> Sweets >> Ice Creams

Number of displayed food(s) - 13

Serving SizeDietary FiberCaloriesPercent of Dietary Fiber RDA*
Ice creams, chocolate
1 individual (3.5 fl oz) 0.68 g 125.28 2.71 %
0.5 cup (4 fl oz) 0.77 g 142.56 3.08 %
100g 1.17 g 216.00 4.67 %
Ice creams, chocolate, light
100g 1.00 g 167.00 4.00 %
Ice creams, chocolate, light, no sugar added
100g 0.80 g 159.00 3.20 %
Ice creams, chocolate, rich
1 cubic inch 0.09 g 26.01 0.37 %
100g 0.90 g 255.00 3.60 %
1 cup 1.33 g 377.40 5.33 %
Ice creams, french vanilla, soft-serve
0.5 cup (4 fl oz) 0.60 g 190.92 2.41 %
100g 0.70 g 222.00 2.80 %
Ice Creams, HEALTHY CHOICE Praline and Caramel
0.5 cup (4 fl oz) 0.00 g 128.51 0.00 %
100g 0.00 g 181.00 0.00 %
Ice creams, strawberry
1 individual (3.5 fl oz) 0.51 g 111.36 2.05 %
0.5 cup (4 fl oz) 0.58 g 126.72 2.34 %
100g 0.89 g 192.00 3.54 %
Ice creams, vanilla
0.5 cup 0.50 g 144.72 1.98 %
100g 0.69 g 201.00 2.75 %
Ice creams, vanilla, fat free
100g 1.00 g 138.00 4.00 %
Ice creams, vanilla, light
0.5 cup 0.22 g 120.45 0.88 %
100g 0.30 g 165.00 1.20 %
Ice creams, vanilla, light, no sugar added
0.5 cup (4 fl oz) 1.04 g 98.80 4.16 %
100g 1.60 g 152.00 6.40 %
Ice creams, vanilla, light, soft-serve
0.5 cup (4 fl oz) 0.00 g 110.88 0.00 %
100g 0.00 g 126.00 0.00 %
Ice creams, vanilla, rich
100g 0.00 g 249.00 0.00 %
0.5 cup 0.00 g 266.43 0.00 %

* Dietary fiber RDA (recommended daily allowance) values are based on 25 grams of dietary fiber per day. It is generally recommended that adults eat 25 - 30 grams of dietary fiber per day. Please consult your physician for personalized dietary fiber recommendations that are right for you.