This Site and the information, images, and pictures relating to it are provided by for educational purposes only and are subject to the following disclaimers:

1. ACCURACY. We make no guarantee of the completeness or accuracy of any information provided on the Site. The user of information provided on this Site assumes the risk of verifying any materials used or relied on.

2. NO WARRANTIES. We disclaim any express or implied warranty in providing for public use the information, images and pictures provided on this Site. The Company makes no warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any responsibility in the use of this Site or its contents for its accuracy, completeness, currency, its use for any general of particular purpose. The information provided on this Site is provided on a strictly "as is" basis.

3. ASSUMPTION OF RISK OF USE. Neither the Company, its employees, owners or agents shall be liable for any damages for viewing, distributing, copying or attempting to follow the information provided on this Site, including indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Use of the information provided within this Site is at your own risk.

4. DATA SOURCE. The nutritional data published on the Site is derived from public domain data published by the USDA.