High Fiber Diet >> Milk, Cheese, Yogurt and Dairy Products >> Pausterized Cheese - Pimento Cheese

Number of displayed food(s) - 1

Serving SizeDietary FiberCaloriesPercent of Dietary Fiber RDA*
Cheese, pasteurized process, pimento
1 cubic inch 0.02 g 67.50 < 0.1 %
1 slice (3/4 oz) 0.02 g 78.75 < 0.1 %
1 oz 0.03 g 106.31 0.11 %
100g 0.10 g 375.00 0.40 %
1 cup, shredded 0.11 g 423.75 0.45 %
1 cup, diced 0.14 g 525.00 0.56 %
1 cup, melted 0.24 g 915.00 0.97 %

* Dietary fiber RDA (recommended daily allowance) values are based on 25 grams of dietary fiber per day. It is generally recommended that adults eat 25 - 30 grams of dietary fiber per day. Please consult your physician for personalized dietary fiber recommendations that are right for you.