High Fiber Diet >> Fruit >> Pineapple - Raw

Number of displayed food(s) - 3

Serving SizeDietary FiberCaloriesPercent of Dietary Fiber RDA*
Pineapple, raw, all varieties
1 slice, thin (3-1/2" dia x 1/2" thick) 0.78 g 26.88 3.13 %
1 slice (3-1/2" dia x 3/4" thick) 1.17 g 40.32 4.69 %
100g 1.40 g 48.00 5.58 %
1 cup, diced 2.16 g 74.40 8.65 %
1 fruit 6.59 g 226.56 26.34 %
Pineapple, raw, extra sweet variety
1 slice (3-1/2" dia x 3/4" thick) 1.16 g 42.84 4.66 %
100g 1.39 g 51.00 5.54 %
1 cup, diced 2.15 g 79.05 8.59 %
Pineapple, raw, traditional varieties
1 slice (3-1/2" dia x 3/4" thick) 0.00 g 37.80 0.00 %
100g 0.00 g 45.00 0.00 %
1 cup, diced 0.00 g 69.75 0.00 %

* Dietary fiber RDA (recommended daily allowance) values are based on 25 grams of dietary fiber per day. It is generally recommended that adults eat 25 - 30 grams of dietary fiber per day. Please consult your physician for personalized dietary fiber recommendations that are right for you.