High Fiber Diet >> Fruit >> Avocados

Number of displayed food(s) - 3

Serving SizeDietary FiberCaloriesPercent of Dietary Fiber RDA*
Avocados, raw, all commercial varieties
100g 6.70 g 160.00 26.80 %
1 cup, sliced 9.78 g 233.60 39.13 %
1 cup, cubes 10.05 g 240.00 40.20 %
1 avocado, NS as to Florida or California 13.47 g 321.60 53.87 %
1 cup, pureed 15.41 g 368.00 61.64 %
Avocados, raw, California
100g 6.80 g 167.00 27.20 %
1 fruit without skin and seeds 11.76 g 288.91 47.06 %
1 cup, pureed 15.64 g 384.10 62.56 %
Avocados, raw, Florida
100g 5.60 g 120.00 22.40 %
1 cup, pureed 12.88 g 276.00 51.52 %
1 fruit without skin and seeds 17.02 g 364.80 68.10 %

* Dietary fiber RDA (recommended daily allowance) values are based on 25 grams of dietary fiber per day. It is generally recommended that adults eat 25 - 30 grams of dietary fiber per day. Please consult your physician for personalized dietary fiber recommendations that are right for you.